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Meet Our Woof Pups (and Their People!)

February 16, 2024 | Woof Team

Get to know the pack at Woof! From boxers to doxies, our pups and their people are the inspiration behind everything we make and do (plus, they’re the biggest Pupsicle fans in the world.).

Want to get a Woof sketch of your pup?

Enter our contest on Instagram to see your dog on Woof packaging, products, and more! Head to our Instagram page to join our pack and post a photo of your pup. Be sure to tag @mywoof and #woofsketch .

Meet the Pack 

Hera is a 10 year old boxer/pit mix who loves cuddling, chasing the laser pointer, and protecting her hens. She stomps around sassily on neighborhood walks and is her fully embodied self when roaming in the backcountry. She's a dirtbag at heart, but can be a real diva around Pupsicle time.

  • Brita, Hera’s human

Lou is a pint-sized dynamo bursting with energy! While he's a bit shy around humans, he's all about playtime with his canine pals, especially the big ones (he believes himself to be one, but let's keep that hush-hush). His trusty sidekick? The Pupsicle—a magical toy that turns this whirlwind of chaos into a calm Pops connoisseur. For Lou, every day is an adventure, every meal is the best ever, and his devotion to the Pupsicle makes him the tail-wagging hero of our hearts.

  • Lauren, Lou’s human

Milo, the original test pup for Woof products (his dad is the founder of Woof!), loves coming to work with the entire team. He bosses other dogs around and makes laps around the warehouse to see who will stop to give him tummy rubs. When he’s not keeping a close eye on all the goings-on, he’s sure to be found glued to his Pupsicle, which has been his favorite toy for 4 years now! 

  • Daniel, Milo’s human

Harley came home at 6 months old, anxious and not living up to his full pup-tential. A year later, this cocker spaniel is now known for his wild hair, crazy personality, and love of toys. He enjoys his Pupsicle when he's lying on his giant bed in the home office or Love Nuggets when he tries really hard to be a good boy. When he's not acting as a Woof taste tester, he loves snuggling, going on walks with his brother Yoda, and watching TV to make sure he barks at all the dogs. 

  • Anna, Harley’s human

Winona is a 4 year old pit mix that wants to be everyone's bestie! She can usually be found rushing to the front door to greet every possible new friend, or cuddling herself up under the desk for optimal ear scratches...Unless it's 3:30 pm, in which case she is (not so) patiently waiting for her daily Pupsicle!

  • Grace, Winona’s human

Remi, a long-haired dachshund, is the smallest of the gang, but he makes up for it with his big personality! He loves getting an extra energy boost for his hard-working little legs, so he chews on Bully Sticks a few times a week.

  • Mya, Remi’s human
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